National Bank Of Canada IRC Code

Deep Dive into the National Bank of Canada: Demystifying the Institution through its IRC Code

National Bank Of Canada IRC Code: The National Bank of Canada, one of the country’s largest financial institutions, boasts a rich history and intricate operations. Understanding these intricacies often falls to a seemingly innocuous sequence of characters: the National Bank of Canada’s Institution Routing Code (IRC). This five-digit code, 006, unlocks a treasure trove of information about the bank and its role within the Canadian financial landscape. To truly understand the National Bank of Canada, we must embark on a voyage of discovery through the lens of its IRC.

National Bank Of Canada IRC Code

National Bank code


National Bank SWIFT code
(for international wire transfers)


Branch transit

5 digit code

Branch contact information

National Bank of Canada,
street number and name, city,
province, country, postal code,
phone number

National Bank account number

7-digit code (CAD or USD)
or 17-digit code (other currencies)

Your name and
contact information

Legal business name,
street number and street name,
city, province, country,
postal code, phone number

Delving into the Code’s Anatomy

The National Bank of Canada’s IRC, 006, holds significant meaning within its structure. Each digit serves a specific purpose, providing insights into the bank’s identity and location.

  • Digit 1 (0): This initial zero signifies the bank’s participation in the Canadian Payments Network (CPN). The CPN acts as the backbone of interbank transfers within Canada, facilitating the smooth flow of funds between institutions.
  • Digit 2 (0): The second zero indicates the bank’s membership in the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system. The ACH facilitates electronic payments, allowing individuals and businesses to move funds directly between their accounts without the need for physical checks or cash.
  • Digits 3-5 (006): These final three digits uniquely identify the National Bank of Canada within the CPN and ACH systems. This specific sequence assigns the bank a distinct address within the network, ensuring accurate routing of transactions.

The IRC as a Gatekeeper

The IRC transcends its numerical meaning, acting as a crucial gatekeeper in the intricate world of financial transactions. When you provide your IRC alongside your account number, it opens a secure pathway for funds to flow between your account and other institutions. Every payment, every deposit, and every transfer relies on the accuracy and functionality of this seemingly simple code.

Unlocking a Wealth of Information

The IRC acts as a key that unlocks a deeper understanding of the National Bank of Canada’s structure and operations. By analyzing the IRC alongside other identifying information, we can glean critical insights about the bank, including:

  • Branch Network: The first two digits of a branch transit number within the National Bank of Canada often correspond to the IRC. Therefore, knowing the IRC can help identify the branch associated with a specific account number.
  • Regional Presence: The bank operates across various regions in Canada. Analyzing the distribution of IRCs across branch locations can reveal the bank’s geographic footprint and its focus on specific markets.
  • Market Segmentation: The National Bank of Canada caters to different customer segments, including personal banking, business banking, and wealth management. By analyzing the usage of IRCs associated with each segment, we can understand the bank’s allocation of resources and its focus within the market.

The IRC’s Role in a Globalized World

In an increasingly interconnected world, the National Bank of Canada’s IRC extends beyond domestic transactions. When paired with SWIFT codes, another international identification system, the IRC facilitates cross-border transfers and connects the bank to the global financial network. This allows Canadians to seamlessly send and receive payments from around the world, solidifying the bank’s role in international trade and finance.


The National Bank of Canada’s IRC, 006, is more than just a collection of numbers. It represents a legacy of service, a commitment to connecting Canadians, and a vital cog in the Canadian financial ecosystem. By delving into its meaning and implications, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complex dance of finance that underpins our daily lives. As technology and financial systems evolve, the IRC will undoubtedly adapt, continuing to serve as a silent yet essential player in the ever-changing tapestry of Canada’s economic landscape.

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