Correct WAEC Literature Questions and Answers 2023 (100% Sure) Theory & Obj Solution


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  1. [5/19, 9:56 AM] Donprosper: _*QUESTION 4*_

    “Unexpected Joy at Dawn” by Alex Agyei-Agyiri features several characters who contribute to the development of the plot, including Massa and Marshak.

    Massa is a young woman who is introduced early in the novel as a love interest for the protagonist, Kofi. Her presence in the story drives much of Kofi’s character development, as he struggles with his feelings for her and his desire to provide for his family. Massa is also instrumental in the novel’s exploration of themes related to gender roles and cultural expectations, as she challenges the traditional roles assigned to women in Ghanaian society.

    Marshak, on the other hand, is a more complex character who plays a key role in the novel’s plot. He is introduced as a wealthy and successful businessman who befriends Kofi and offers him a job at his company. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that Marshak has a hidden agenda and is not the benevolent mentor he appears to be. His actions drive much of the conflict in the novel’s second half, as Kofi struggles to extricate himself from Marshak’s web of deceit and corruption.

    Overall, both Massa and Marshak are important characters in “Unexpected Joy at Dawn” who contribute significantly to the novel’s plot and themes. Massa’s presence drives much of the novel’s exploration of gender roles and relationships, while Marshak’s actions provide the impetus for much of the story’s conflict and suspense.
    [5/19, 9:59 AM] Donprosper: _*QUESTION 1*_

    In Buchi Emecheta’s novel “Second Class Citizen,” the main character, Adah, begins attending the Methodist School on her first day in London. This event contributes significantly to the development of the plot in several ways.

    Firstly, Adah’s enrollment in the Methodist School marks a significant shift in her life. Prior to this, she had been living in Nigeria, where she faced discrimination and limited opportunities because of her gender. By starting school in London, Adah gains access to education and the possibility of a better future. This sets the stage for her personal growth and development throughout the novel.

    Secondly, the Methodist School serves as a microcosm of British society. Adah encounters cultural differences and racism from her classmates and teachers, which reflects the larger societal issues she will face as a black immigrant in England. Her experiences at the school highlight the challenges she will face as she tries to navigate life in a new country.

    Finally, Adah’s time at the Methodist School introduces her to new people and experiences that will shape her future. She befriends a classmate named Mary, who becomes one of her closest friends, and she also develops a crush on a boy named Francis. These relationships will play significant roles in Adah’s life as she grows older.

    Overall, Adah’s first day at the Methodist School is a pivotal moment in “Second Class Citizen.” It sets the stage for the novel’s exploration of themes such as immigration, discrimination, and personal growth, and introduces characters and experiences that will shape the plot as it unfolds.
    [5/19, 9:59 AM] Donprosper: *QUESTION 6*

    The ideology of the Brotherhood in the novel 1984 is based on a totalitarian form of socialism, which emphasizes the complete control of the state over all aspects of human life. It is an approach characterized by authoritarianism, the use of propaganda, and manipulation of language to maintain power and control.

    The Brotherhood claims to be a resistance movement fighting against the oppressive government of Oceania. Its members believe that the current government, led by the dictator Big Brother, has completely corrupted any notion of freedom, justice, and humanity, and therefore needs to be overthrown by any means necessary, including violence.

    The ideology of the Brotherhood emphasizes the importance of a classless society that is based on equality; members of the Brotherhood believe that the current society is riddled with social and economic inequalities. They see the current society as being characterized by a small ruling class that has access to resources while the masses languish in poverty.

    The Brotherhood believes that the elimination of private property, the abolition of the capitalist system, and the eradication of class distinctions will lead to a more equitable society. The Brotherhood also emphasizes the importance of collective action and a commitment to the common good.

    In conclusion, the ideology of the Brotherhood in the novel 1984 is founded on a socialist approach characterized by a totalitarian regime where the state has complete control over individuals. It emphasizes the importance of a classless society based on equality and collective action while taking an approach of eliminating private property, capitalism, and class distinctions.
    [5/19, 9:59 AM] Donprosper: *LITERATURE*

    Heathcliff’s marriage to Isabella is a tumultuous one, characterized by a lack of love and respect on both sides. Heathcliffonly marries Isabella as a means of gaining control over her brother, Edgar Linton, and the wealth and property that comes with their family’s name. Isabella is enamored with the idea of marrying Heathcliff, both for his perceivedonly marries Isabella as a means of seeking revenge on her brother, Edgar. Heathcliff’s plan is to marry Isabella and then mistreat her so as to hurt Edgar, whom she is infatuated with.

    Once they are married, Heathcliff treats Isabella cruelly, both physically and emotionally. He has no love for her and sees her simply as a pawn in his game of revenge. Isabella, for her part, is foolish to marry Heathcliff in the first place, as she knows little about him and is drawn to him by his dark and brooding nature.

    Despite her mistreatment by Heathcliff, Isabella remains in love with him and refuses to leave him for some time. It is only when she becomes pregnant with his child that she finally sees him for the monster he truly is and decides to leave him and the dangerous surroundings of Wuthering Heights.

    In the end, Heathcliff’s marriage to Isabella serves only to demonstrate his cruel and vengeful nature and to further emphasize the toxic relationships that exist throughout the novel.

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